There are various routes a city can take to show a commitment to diversity, 股本, 和包容(DEI). Some of these include a statement on their website, a proclamation, a policy, and/or a resolution. No matter a city’s size, they can utilize one or more of these documents. DEI looks different in different communities due to their unique needs. It is important to note that not all cities specifically use the term “DEI” for their statements, 公告, 政策, 或决议. Your city’s unique needs will determine what messaging works best for your community. 另外, it’s important to note that the language in these documents can be everchanging as language and the needs of a city changes. Be sure to add these documents to your city’s review cycle. Whether you are just starting your DEI journey, 或者希望扩大你的承诺, this guide provides examples of cities that have taken various paths to show their commitment to DEI.


A statement shows a city’s commitment to DEI by outlining why it is important to the city. 它可能包括具体的目标, 一个城市打算如何致力于这项工作, 或者是他们战略计划的链接. 请看下面的例子.

  • 金谷市的声明 includes a commitment to creating a welcoming environment for all, 对社会差异的认识, 指导他们DEI工作的四大支柱, and links to specific projects the city has done.
  • The City of Roseville’s Inclusion and Respect statement includes a goal to create a welcoming and inclusive place for all with a focus on racial 股本, 公平对待每一个人的承诺, 无论社会身份如何, 谴责歧视. It also includes a link to their 股本 Report which can inform the public about the city’s work in this area.
  • 新希望市的权益表 includes their goal to create a welcoming place for all, a pledge to treat everyone equitably 无论社会身份如何, 承认现有权益, and outlines the goals the city hopes to achieve in their work.


A proclamation can be used to announce recognition of a specific day or topic. 通常, a proclamation is passed by the mayor however, the council may come together as a whole to approve it. A city can use a proclamation to announce their commitment to DEI related work. 请看下面的例子.

  • The City of Hastings 市议会 and the Hastings Public School Board of Education came together to pass a joint proclamation to announce their commitment to ensure that Hastings is a safe place for all. 在公告中, it outlines the city’s commitment to embrace diversity, provide equitable access for all to fully participate in the community, and consider underrepresented groups as city officials.
  • 罗切斯特市 passed a proclamation to announce and celebrate their Welcoming Week. 欢迎周来自欢迎美国, a non-profit organization that works with local governments to create inclusive communities. Rochester’s proclamation outlines their commitment to bring their community together to build relationships across differences to create a welcoming environment for all.


A policy is a document outlining specific guidelines the city is going to work under; these guidelines inform how processes and procedures should be executed. 通常, a policy is an internal document and is longer than a proclamation. 通常, DEI相关的目标是在一个城市的人员, 不歧视, 或者尊重工作场所的政策. 另外, DEI 政策 can sometimes be related to a specific process, like procurement (see St. 路易斯·帕克的例子). Because a policy is usually an internal document, some cities will provide a summary or short statement on their website. 请看下面的例子.


A resolution is used to make a formal expression of opinion or intention. Usually, a resolution would be drafted by city staff and the city council would pass it. 对于一些, a city could utilize a resolution to recognize a committee dedicated to DEI work, 或者表达他们对DEI的承诺.


If you are drafting one of these documents, consider the groups of people that it will impact. It is best practice to ensure those groups have been consulted in the drafting process as well as your city council and other key stakeholders. Consulting these groups will help ensure correct and appropriate formatting and language.

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