Build Your Skills Toolbox

Examples of integrity and ethics as an elected official include:

  • Complying with laws, policies, and rules (e.g. 赠与法).
  • Fostering ethical behavior among your elected peers and city staff.
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to democracy and fair process.


League staff are available to answer your questions, share examples from cities around the state, and give you updates on legislation that affects city operations.

Conflict of Interest or Gift Law

伸出手去 the League’s Inquiry Service.

Ethics at City Hall

研究 & Information Service
(651) 281-1200
Submit a question online

的 League’s website features several important resources for elected officials that you can explore as needed.

  • 的 Minnesota Mayors Handbook — a product of the Minnesota Mayors Association, in cooperation with the League — is a starting point for all you need to learn to be a successful mayor. It also includes a discussion of ethics and ethical leadership.


As a League member, you have access to a wide range of educational and networking opportunities.  Find ones that work best for your schedule and learning style.  学习 about ways to build relationships with other elected officials for support and networking. 

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