回到2023年11 - 12月号



“Do these city leaders have any clue what they are doing?”
“Why are they letting those people in my neighborhood!”

Every government social media page has experienced these types of comments and often much worse, leaving those who manage social media to determine when to engage and when to ignore.

These types of remarks also generate questions from elected officials and city staff asking why the comments can’t just be deleted. The answer to that question is quite simple: The First Amendment protects this type of speech on our government social media pages.


No matter how well your city’s social media policy is written, 它永远不会取代第一修正案. 在大多数情况下, removing comments limits the user’s First Amendment right to have their opinion viewed. Even hate speech has been deemed protected speech in a unanimous opinion from the U.S. 最高法院.


It is important to remember that social media pages are not your website or newsletter. Social media is designed to be a place for conversation. Engaging with your community on social media is key to building trust and growing your audience. Everyone who manages social media will at some point wish they could just ignore the comments and move on to the next task, but by 引人入胜的 on social media you will build a platform that is relevant and trusted.


确保你的社交媒体页面信息丰富, 引人入胜的, 尊重, 在法律上合规可能会很棘手. However, here are some tactics that will help you achieve success:

制定社交媒体政策. It’s critical to have a well thought-out policy that details how your organization will conduct business on social media. 这份政策应该由你所在城市的律师审核. It’s also a good idea to have your attorney consult with another attorney who specializes in this area.

参与持续培训. Anyone who has access to your social media pages should receive government social media training each year. 有几个很好的培训澳门网络娱乐游戏平台. 在明尼苏达州, both the 明尼苏达城市联盟 and the Minnesota Association of Government Communicators are good options. The Government Social Media association provides professional development opportunities, and hosts an annual conference solely focused on government social media topics and trends.

是创新的. Do not be afraid to try something new and different on social media. You should be able to have some fun on the various platforms, even if you work in government. Have your police officers help you recreate the latest TikTok trend, or go on a ride along in a snowplow during the next snow storm and share updates.

Social media has changed the way that we communicate, and it continues to evolve all the time. 这个强大的工具可以是一个很好的澳门网络娱乐游戏平台, 一个真正双向接触的机会, 一个让你的社区闪耀的地方. Being responsible for a city’s social media is not an easy role, but with the right training and support you can use it for the betterment of your city.

Ben Hayle is the communications manager for the City of Blaine.