Build Your Skills Toolbox

Examples of personnel management as an elected official include:

  • Investing in employee’s professional development/encouraging a growth mindset.
  • Helping all employees see how their roles 和 responsibilities connect to the city’s overall mission.
  • Modeling the values of the city.
  • Implementing succession planning.


League staff are available to answer your questions, share examples from cities around the state, 和 give you updates on legislation that affects city operations. Here are some key contacts for you:

One-on-One Assistance with an HR Question

(651) 281-1200

Labor Relations or Employment Law

伸出手去 the League’s HR staff.

Information on Legislative Activity Relating to 人力澳门网络娱乐游戏平台 和 Employment

Anne Finn, Assistant Intergovernmental Relations Director
(651) 281-1263

Information About Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Consult with your city’s insurance agent, or contact the LMCIT Underwriting Department at (电子邮件保护).

的 League’s website features several important resources for elected officials that you can explore as needed.


As a League member, you have access to a wide range of educational 和 networking opportunities.  Find ones that work best for your schedule 和 learning style.  学习 about ways to build relationships with other elected officials for support 和 networking. 

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