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Paper with generic list iconQ1: Should I post or publish this?

Q2: How do I work with the legislature on a city issue?

Q1: Should I post or publish this?

A1: Requirements for posting 和 publishing city documents vary by type 和 city size. Below you’ll find a quick reference list for what cities are required to post 和/or publish, 包括分钟, 会议通知, 招聘信息, 和更多的.

Read through Post or Publish: Quick Resource Guide

Q2: How do I work with the legislature on a city issue?

A2:First, if you don’t know who represents you, use this district map tool to find your representatives 和 senators 和 their contact information.

Once you know who represents you, reach out 和 introduce yourself. You can simply send an email noting that you are a constituent who works for a city in their district. Most legislators are interested in meeting  constituents, particularly city officials who work firsth和 on issues impacting their districts. You can also note the reason you are contacting them — a bonding project, a local sales tax proposal, general needs of the community such as housing, 基础设施, 废水, 等.

Most legislators are happy to correspond via email, phone, or meeting in person or virtually. Once you meet with your legislator they will likely want to know more about the issue 和 explore solutions. Be sure to provide them as much information as you can 和 keep them updated.

的 League is also happy to help arrange meetings with your legislators 和 keep you informed on issues impacting cities. If you are unable to reach your legislators, email (电子邮件保护), note the issue(s) you wish to discuss, 和 a member of the Intergovernmental Relations team will gladly assist.

To keep city officials informed, the League also provides frequent 和 timely updates on issues impacting cities generally. 的 城市公告澳门网络娱乐游戏平台立法 webpage is where the League publishes updates on all city related legislative issues including analysis of legislation 和 updates on advocacy efforts 和 city priorities. During the legislative session which typically runs from January to May, the League will publish updates every Monday. At the end of each session, the League also publishes our 法总结 和 pieces that specifically analyze new laws in our 关注新法律.

的 League also maintains a comprehensive list of policy positions that direct the League’s advocacy efforts 和 guide the League’s position on various issues impacting cites. 的 League welcomes any city officials interested in working on legislative issues to join us for policy committees to explore setting the League’s policy platform 和 work on issues impacting their own city 和 cities generally.

